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super courses

High impact & low commitment

Speak English Online is an official and accredited online English language school, tried and trusted for years. Private 1:1 online lessons with real native teachers.

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Trusted by students from companies all over the world

Need to improve your English but don't have enough time?

We have two fantastic short online courses – just for you!

Boost your English in just 5 hours
(to use over a 3-month period) 

Quick fix: Take our special 5-hour course and we will make a significant difference to your current English level.

Yes, in just 5 hours we’re confident that you will make excellent progress.

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Business skills in just 5 hours
(to use over a 3-month period)

Quick confidence-builders:  – Choose one or two of these: interviews; meetings; presentations and pitches; negotiating; anything else? (your choice)

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Book the lessons whenever you want and you can choose any of these durations for each session: 20, 30, 45 or 60 minutes (to use over a 3-month period).

EXTRA BONUS: All new students get an extra 30 minutes for free with their first course!

Who we are

We are a UK based online school founded in 2005 with focus 100% on teaching English online. We have a large number of native English speaking teachers – fully qualified & experienced to teach online for fast results. We have enjoyed very positive feedback from employees worldwide. We teach educational institutions, private individuals and numerous small, medium and large multi-nationals


Happy clients all around the world

“Our whole team's English level has improved. We're all more confident when speaking in English with our customers and colleagues from San Francisco.
Theresa Mason
“Since we started using Speak English Online, we have been able to expand into wider markets across the world”
Maria Parker
“We found Speak English Online's bespoke lessons to have a huge impact on our whole team's English speaking level”
Logan Rogers